What Are Essential Oils?
The definition of essential oils is: “A natural oil typically obtained by distillation and having the
characteristic fragrance of the plant or other source from which it is extracted.”
Herbs and oils are what people used before modern medicine. I want you to go grab a bottle from your cabinet
and read it. What are the side effects? Nausea? Upper stomach pain? Itching? Loss of appetite? Jaundice? May Shut down your liver?? Sounds terrible doesn’t it? That is just your average Tylenol side effects!!! With oils, you can beallergic to it, just like anything else, but there are no negative side effects.
We reach for a pill bottle for pretty much everything, and I truly believe that medication is what is killing us faster
these days. Now, I am not saying modern medicine is all bad. Sometimes, it is best to do what the doctor says, but
to pop a pill or rub chemicals on us every time we have an ache, feel sad, or get stung is just and insane idea to me! Especially when there is an oil or an herb for, pretty much every thing!
I strongly encourage you to read up on natural remedies! My oil of choice is from Simply Aroma.
If you would like to purchase your own oils please visit my Simply Aroma site.